WoodCat-WT EN
With the new platform „WoodCat-WT“ (weight ticket), electronic weight data of the customer can be compared with the delivery data of the supplier. presentation The transport order data is read in as an XML file A transport order with a QR code is handed over which allows the data to be accessed The weighing…
WeiterlesenWoodCat EN
Our past belongs in the wood industry. As a special product we therefore offer the unique article number „wood“ based on the German standard ELDAT. WoodCat defines the unique article code for „wood“, which derives from the characteristics: Wood species (based on EU standard EN13556) Class – rough classification, umbrella term (lumber, industrial wood,…
WeiterlesenStart EN
In order to be able to accompany the complex value-added chain from the standing tree to the finished product / object with electronically readable data, EDP systems must on the one hand be able to write and read standards – but also data must be standardised and exchanged in a uniform format. Based on the…
WeiterlesenWoodCat-Mobile FR
WoodCat-Mobile est une application pour la saisie d’emplacements de stockage de bois (piles) sur la base des standards WoodCat (numéro d’article bois) et EUPar (données de base des partenaires commerciaux) Le programme crée un fichier d’interface au format standard ELDAT Version 2.1 (KWF Allemagne) Conditions le « fournisseur » (auteur avec WoodCat-Mobile) doit être enregistré en…
WeiterlesenWoodCat-Mobile EN
WoodCat-Mobile is an application for the collection of wood storage bins (piles) based on the WoodCat standards (wood article number) and EUPar (business partner master data) The programme creates an interface file in the standard format ELDAT Version 2.1 (KWF Deutschland) Preconditions: The „supplier“ (collector with WoodCat-Mobile) must be registered as a business…